February 2018 Board Minutes


Wednesday, February 21, 2018 7:00 - 9:00 PM,

Mission Trails Regional Park - Visitor’s Center

For information contact: info@SDMBA.com or

Kevin Loomis President


Introductions/Roll Call


Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items (2 mins. limit per individual; must fill out comment card prior to call to order) Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the Board on any subject matter not on tonight’s agenda


Call to Order 7:08 p.m.

Introductions   Guest: Kristi Norton,  VelocityX


Consent Agenda

    1.    Approval Meeting Minutes 1/17/2018

    2.    Approval December 2017 Financials

Kevin - Motion  Ben - Second / Passed with 1 abstention


Old Business

    Item 1.  IMBA Chapter Status


Requests for Continuance on any current Agenda items


Discussion Agenda  

Item 1. Membership Structure/Marketing Services - Action Item (Robert/Kevin)

           (30 mins)

The Marketing Committee led by Robert Hubbard researched and secured proposals from several marketing companies.  VelocityX has given a proposal and quote and seems to be ready to fulfill what we need. Goals here are to help with membership services and development.  VelocityX ready to work with Memberleap platform on two initial campaigns - SDMBA/IMBA members to SDMBA members AND converting trial members to paying members.  These campaigns are similar but can be tailored. Will manage drip campaigns, evergreen content with semi-annual review. Graphic designers will be hired to design campaigns.  Will work closely on content. SDMBA will own all generated content. Checking Data integrity, etc. Monthly report and dashboard to be created. Need to make sure to get messaging and voice right for SDMBA to explain what we do. SDMBA will use VelocityX as outlined in proposal.  $5000 for Initial set up of two membership marketing campaigns within Memberleap

.  $500/month management (month to month/30 day notice)

Motion: Jason Showalter           Second: Skii Fleeton Passed Unanimously


Item 2. EBike Communication Strategy with Land Managers  (Ben)

Emails have been sent to most lead land managers to ask them what their ebike policy is so that SDMBA can communicate to our members and other trail users. We are awaiting responses.    


    Item 3. Sweetwater Bike Skills Park Maintenance options (10 mins)

Options are being explored regarding maintenance plan for Sweetwater Bike Skills Park.  


    Item 4. Action Item:  Sycamore Goodan Ranch Trail Design dependent on County  

                    Approval $3000-$5000 (Ben) Hiring a professional trail designer contingent on Ben and Kevin to enter into any agreement with the County.  County needs to share data, give a right of entry permit, and commitment to use the design plan.

Motion:  Jason Showalter    Second: Matt Bartelt    Passed unanimously


Item 3. Action Item:  Stickers from Rock Art Signs and Markers.  $200

Motion: Jason Showalter      Second: Skii Fleeton   Passed unanimously


Item 4. Action Item:  NonProfit Management Solutions renewal $650

Motion:  Jason Showalter       Second: Skii Fleeton            Passed unanimously


Item 5. Action Item: Skii Fleeton $500 DC National Bike Summit Trip

Motion:  Jason Showalter       Second: Kevin Loomis          Passed unanimously


Item 6. Action Item:  Kids Tshirts $400 (Skii)

Motion:  Kevin Loomis            Second: Ben Stone          Passed unanimously


Item 7. Support of SB 5 2018 Parks and Water Bond (Susie 5 mins)

Provided Summary to board.  Board is doing further research but has concerns about state agencies closing off more areas to recreation.  No decision at this time.


Updates - (Non Discussion Items)


Item 1.   Open board position - seeking Treasurer

Item 2.   Arch Ride Update

Item 3.  



Items for next meeting Agenda

    Item 1.  SB5 Parks and Water Bond support


Board member communications



Adjournment  9:15 p.m.


Next Meeting:       March 21, 2018


Meeting Minutes Recorded by: Susie Murphy


Present:  Kevin Loomis, Ben Stone, Jose Galaz, Matt Bartelt, Skii Fleeton, Jason Showalter, Susie Murphy