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Your membership allows SDMBA to:
- Support advocacy efforts for new trails, existing trail improvements, and bike parks
- Fund trail restoration, maintenance, planning, and development projects
- Support operating costs including trail equipment, tools, insurance, planning, and staff
- Train, reward, and nourish our hardworking trail volunteers
- Plan events including the Arch Ride, Mt. Laguna Trail Fest, and more
- Ensure our trails community is engaged in building a legacy of legal trails in San Diego County
Basic Annual Membership is only $49!
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Improving Trail Access for Mountain Biking in San Diego County
The San Diego Mountain Biking Association (SDMBA) is a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining and improving sustainable trail access for mountain biking in San Diego County. Formed in 1994, SDMBA is one of the largest regional trail advocacy organizations in the US with more than 1,800 members. Below is a list of recent accomplishments and ongoing projects. The support of our members, donors, and volunteers makes all of this amazing progress possible. More trails for all! The San Diego Mountain Biking Association works on a wide variety of advocacy and efforts to improve trail access throughout the County of San Diego.
With your support, we can continue the momentum we have gained into 2023! We will continue to drive our mission forward - Improving Trail Access for Mountain Biking in San Diego County.
Here are some of our efforts planned for 2024:
- Implement planned trail projects this winter and early spring at:
- Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve
- Black Mountain
- Daley Ranch
- Tri-Canyons
- Mount Laguna
- Lake Calavera Trails
- La Costa Preserve
- San Diego National Wildlife Rufuges
- Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve
- Florida Canyon/Balboa Park
- City Heights Canyons
- Crestridge Ecological Reserve
- Otay Valley Regional Park
- ...and more
- Anticipate and plan for the approval and implementation of the Mount Laguna Trails Restoration Plan by the Cleveland National Forest which includes almost 8 miles of new trails, meadow boardwalk project, reroutes & adopting non-system trails (including Wooded Hill) into the system
- Push long-term advocacy efforts for new trails and improvements at:
- Black Mountain Open Space Park
- Daley Ranch
- Sycamore/Goodan Ranch
- Sweetwater Reservoir Loop Trail
- Otay Valley Regional Park
- Boulder Oaks
- US Fish and Wildlife San Diego National Wildlife Refuge
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Mission Trails Regional Park
- Cuyamaca Rancho State Park
- Chula Vista Canyon Trails
- ...and more
- Encourage and support Bike Park development and planning with many jurisdictions around the county including the opening of the new Bradley Park Bike Park in San Marcos
- Monitor ebike opportunities and challenges with various agencies and jurisdictions and assist land managers as they navigate evolving policies regarding ebikes
- Engage in ongoing planning processes for long-distance trails and routes such as the Coast to Crest Trail, the Trans-County Trail & the San Diego River Trail with partners and stakeholders
- Encourage mountain bikers to engage on local planning groups, Citizen’s Advisory and Trails committees and with elected officials to ensure our seat at the tables where trail decisions are made
- Provide Trail Education and Trail Courtesy materials and content to our entire trails community
- Be an active and engaged member organization of the California Mountain Biking Coalition and affiliate of the International Mountain Biking Coalition
- Monitor issues in our county and regionally that may have an impact on recreational access such as the proposed National Monument in San Diego County and other federal and state regulatory land use efforts
- Collaborate with our community partners such as Girlz Gone Riding and Sprockids to make cycling in San Diego more accessible and equitable for all people
- Plan for MTB community fun at
- the Archipelago Ride (May 3, 2025)
- the Mount Laguna Trail Fest (OCTOBER 18-20, 2024)
- Advocate for more legal trails for all skill levels and uses in San Diego County!
Wagon Wheel Crossing - Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve
Caballo Trail Rebuild - Daley Ranch
Simply put, we could not do this without our members, volunteers, and donors; the lifeblood of our organization. Thank you.