Call to Action: Calaveras Carlsbad Alert
We have recently heard of considerable enforcement and have heard of troubling interactions on the Carlsbad Highlands Ecological Reserve (Commonly known as Calaveras). SDMBA had recently started talks with California Department of Fish and Wildlife behind the scenes about management issues across the County. Calaveras has been a major issue for years in the Carlsbad area.Recently, members have been asking what can they do to help?
We need you to reach out to your State Legislators in the Carlsbad region. CDFW is a California agency and your local legislators are here to help you as residents of California.
Pick up the phone and call them!
Let them know you want reasonable access for yourself and your family to public lands. We understand this is an Ecological Reserve, but there needs to be reasonable access to public lands purchased with public money.
State Senator Pat Bates 36th District
San Diego Office 760-642-0809
Sacramento Office 916-651-4036
State Assemblyman Rocky Chavez 76th District
San Diego Office 760-433-7601
Sacramento Office 916-319-2076